Internet Of Things (IOT)

 What is Internet Of Things?

        The Internet of Things, or IoT, alludes to the billions of actual gadgets all throughout the planet that are presently associated with the internet, all gathering and sharing information. Because of the appearance of super-modest CPUs and the pervasiveness of remote organizations, it's feasible to turn anything, from something as little as a pill to something as large as a plane, into a piece of the IoT. Associating up this load of various items and adding sensors to them adds a degree of computerized knowledge to gadgets that would be generally moronic, empowering them to impart constant information without including an individual. The Internet of Things is making the texture of our general surroundings more astute and more responsive, consolidating the advanced and actual universes.

The Internet of Things means taking all the things in the world and connecting them to the internet.

To be smart, a thing doesn’t need to have super storage or a supercomputer inside of it. All a thing has to do is connect to super storage or to a supercomputer. Being connected is awesome.

In the Internet of Things, all the things can be put into three categories:

1.      Sensors that collect information and then send it.

2.      Computers that receive information and then act on it.

3.      Things that do both.

And all three of these have enormous benefits that feed on each other.

Vector Robot:

    Vector is the most exceptional home robot at any point made—at a value that implies you can really bring him home. He starts to satisfy the guarantee of living with robots in manners we've just found in sci-fi motion pictures. He's an inquisitive little man who knows about his environmental factors. He can see, hear, and feel, permitting him to respond normally to his general surroundings.

    Vector's design gives him admittance to an assortment of sensors, yet how he measures that data is comparably significant. Vector's coordinated HD camera has 120-degree super wide field of view, which he uses to see the room he's in, distinguish individuals and protests, and recognize movement. Vector likewise utilizes an infrared laser scanner to follow distance among items and guide his current circumstance as he investigates, and a four-mouthpiece exhibit that can pinpoint positional sound. These and different sensors give the sources of info that drive Vector's feeling motor, with every information point affecting whether he is cheerful, tragic, inquisitive, or some other feeling. Every feeling's level advises how Vector will respond to upgrades. At the point when he recognizes his proprietor, he's energized and anxious to help. At the point when he recognizes a sound behind him, he'll pivot 180 degrees to examine. At the point when his proprietor pets his backpack (where the capacitive touch sensor is situated), he'll unwind. Also, assuming his drop sensors distinguish the table's edge, he'll be immediately amazed—recall that region as a limit before he moves to another space to investigate. This arrangement of development, investigation, and passionate upgrades structure an establishment that we apply Vector's character to.

   Vector's person is key to the relationship you'll have with him when you bring him home. The objective was to create a veritable, reasonable, and amazing character that normally responds to the data sources it gets from its PC vision and feeling motors. To accomplish this with the genuineness needed to trigger an enthusiastic association, little wild creatures and extraordinary pets are utilized as reference to be helpful analogues to Vector as a mechanical animal who's regular territory is the home. The manner in which these creatures act is fresh and unadulterated. They're not performing for anyone; they're essentially responding to their general surroundings, but they're hypnotizing to watch. That is, more or less, the embodiment of Vector's person.

Connected Cars

Cars have been used since centuries for day to day transport. Connected cars can transform the way we drive and travel in our cars. In simple term, any cars which are equipped with internet connectivity are connected cars.

The major features of connected cars are :-

App to car connectivity:

Now a days, car manufacturers are providing dedicated application with features for each cars. The app can be of simple use such as tuning in to the radio or playing your favorite song to complicated task like crash prevention and lane departure warnings.

 Geo Fencing:

In some of the cars you can  now set the area upto which you allow your car to be driven. It can be used for parents of young drivers as there will be an alert whenever the car crosses certain geographical boundary.

Vehicle to vehicle communication:

Also commonly known as V to V, it allows two cars or vehicles to connect with each other. It enables sharing vital information such as traffic conditions, speed limits, traffic movements etc. It has been developed extensively to enable automation for vehicles as well.

 Remote Parking:

No hassle or risk for bumping up others car while parking with the use of remote parking feature for different cars nowdays. Its being very popular and expected to be one of the feature to be embedded in every cars by 2030.

Apart from these features, there are other features, such as security, alerts and car sharing which has been developed and are in research phases which will make our driving much smoother and safer in coming future.

Further information can be gathered from :-

·        Connected Cars: What is it? Features and Benefits (

·        Driving the Connected Car Revolution (

·        Would you travel in an automated vehicle? - YouTube

as    Introducing Google Nest Hub:


         Google Nest Hub provides help at a glance in any room at home. With the Google Assistant built-in, you’ll always get your best and latest shots from Google Photos. Plus, view and control your connected devices from a single dashboard.

Simply use your voice to watch YouTube and play songs from YouTube Music on a crystal-clear speaker. And with Voice Match, get your personalized calendar, commute, answers from Google, and more. Hub helps with the little moments so you can enjoy the big moments.

The ultimate digital photo frame

With Google Photos, get your best and latest pictures of loved ones, automatically. Plus, use your voice to show your photos.


Control your connected home

View and control compatible lights, cameras, TVs, and other devices from a single dashboard. Works with Nest along with thousands of smart devices from popular brands.

Play videos and songs from YouTube

Watch YouTube, and play songs and music videos from YouTube Music, and listen to Spotify and Pandora.

Get hands-free help from Google Assistant

Get your personalized schedule, commute, reminders, and more with Voice Match. Plus, get visual answers from Google and watch helpful videos from YouTube.

Designed for any room at home

Google Nest Hub fits naturally in any room at home. With Ambient EQ, Hub adjusts to match the colors and lighting in its environment, so photos on Hub seamlessly blend in with your home decor

Smart Heating and Cooling

Ecobee Smart Thermostat With Voice Control

The Ecobee Smart Thermostat With Voice Control is the company's fifth-generation model, and as is the case with each Ecobee release, it offers more features than its predecessor. Enhanced Alexa and multimedia support, more powerful audio components, and dual-band Wi-Fi are just a few examples of what this thermostat has to offer. Throw in a user-friendly app, lots of third-party support, and an easy installation process, and you have got one of the best smart thermostats you can buy.
This provides a more efficient, accessible, and user-friendly approach to keep your home’s temperature comfortable even while you are away, depending on your personal preference and lifestyle. The smart thermostat works through your heating system’s boiler, the thermostat’s main control, and an app downloaded into your smart device. This app lets you adjust the temperature as you wish, even while you are away.

The more high-tech type of smart thermostat can learn your schedule from your behaviour. It can detect while you are on your way home, and then prepares your home to your desired temperature. Because smart thermostats can adapt to your schedule and lifestyle, it acts automatically to provide comfort when you are at home. It can also turn off your heating or air conditioning system automatically when you leave the house.
