
Showing posts from May, 2021

Working with Diversity- Disability

  Working with Diversity- Disability. The Disability Act says:   " ensures a person with a disability cannot be discriminated against or treated unfairly because of their disability." There are several ways to define disability and  The  Disability Discrimination Act 1992   defines disability as: Total or partial  loss of the individual's real or mental capacities  Total or partial loss of a piece of the body  Presence of organisms in living beings causing sickness or ailment  Malfunction, contortion or deformation of a piece of the individual's body  An issue that outcomes in the individual gaining uniquely in contrast to an individual without the problem or breakdown  An organisation can make changes to the work place or work process in such a way that the it will reduce or minimize the impact of disability. The general process changes can be Flexible work hours Adjustable work space Allocating only minor duties The work place changes can be Equal opportunity Equal